The Sacred Sound of HU
Experience chanting HU, contemplative time, and spiritual conversation with others of like heart.
This event will provide an opportunity to experience the Sound of HU, a sound that can enhance your spiritual practices. Join the facilitator-led conversation that follows this 12-minute chant to share your experiences or ask your questions.
“The Sound and Light carry out God’s scheme of creation. So the highest anyone can aspire to is a life of high creativity, but always guided by the force of divine love.
“This is how to be most like God.
“Try this simple spiritual exercise to help you hear and see the two aspects of God, the Light and Sound.
“Put your attention on your spiritual eye, a point just above and behind your eyebrows. With eyes lightly shut, begin to sing HU. But fill your heart with love before you approach the altar of God, because only the pure may come.
“Be patient. God speaks only when you are able to listen.”
—Harold Klemp, The Sound of Soul, p. 74
You are invited to an online Sound of Soul event that offers a HU chant, contemplative time, and spiritual conversation with others of like heart. This event will take place on Monday, July 1, 2024, from 7:30 pm–8:30 pm.
HU is a sacred name for God, which when sung individually or as a group, can uplift. It is an ancient name for God that has been sung for thousands of years in many lands for spiritual unfoldment. HU can uplift people of any religion, culture, or walk of life.
Experience some of the many benefits of HU:
• Inner peace and calm
• Divine love
• Expanded awareness
• Spiritual self-discovery and growth
• Healing of the heart
This free event will include:
• A short reading or quote
• HU chant (for 15-20 minutes)
• A few minutes of contemplative time
• Shared spiritual conversation.
Regina Schneck is the facilitator of this event. She is looking forward to hearing your stories. All are welcome!
More Information
This event will be hosted on Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent to those who RSVP. You can also join by phone; the phone number and zoom link will be sent in a later email on the day of the event.
NOTE: We encourage you to invite your friends and family, but please do not forward the meeting link. Ask them to register themselves on Meetup or send a request to the Meetup Organizer.
For more Eckankar events in New York state, please visit our Webpage at: https://www.eckankar-ny.org
Register on Meetup: