Resonate with the Sound of HU

The uplifting Sound of HU allows us to harmonize with Divine energy.

Experience the transformative power of the HU chant at our Sound of Soul event. Join us for a 12-minute session of chanting this sacred sound to connect with the divine within yourself. Discover the peace, clarity, and spiritual growth that comes from immersing yourself in the uplifting vibrations of the HU. A facilitator-led spiritual conversation will follow the HU song.

“If times are hard for you during the day, try to spiritualize yourself by singing HU. But sing it with love for God. This will lift you and help you through. It will make you a better person, in all ways and in all places, for all beings.”

—Harold Klemp, The Sound of Soul, p. 41

Please join us on Thursday, May 16, 2024, 7:30 pm–8:30 pm, for an online Sound of Soul event titled “Resonate with the Sound of HU.” HU, the Sound of Soul, is an ancient name for God. Singing HU can bring healing for body, mind, and spirit, and align Soul with higher states of love, wisdom, and awareness.

This event will include:
• A short reading or quote
• A HU Chant (for 12 minutes)
• A few minutes contemplative time
• An interactive spiritual conversation

Twila Barr, the facilitator of the Sound of Soul event today, is looking forward to sharing the beautiful Sound of HU and enjoying the presence of each person who comes to this event.

All are welcome!

More information:

This event will be hosted on Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent to those who register. You can also join by phone; the phone number and link will also be sent in an e-mail on the day of the event.

We encourage you to invite your friends and family. But please ask them to register themselves via Meetup.

When you click on “Attend Online” button to RSVP, you may need to login (if you are already a member of this group) or sign in to create an account.

For more Eckankar events in New York State, please visit the New York State web page:

Register on Meetup:



Thursday, May 16, 2024


7:30 pm - 8:30 pm




Hudson Valley