Replacing Fear with Love

Open your heart to the Light and Sound of God so that divine love may guide you in exploring the source of your fears.

How do you face your fears? How do you replace fear with love? In this ECK Light and Sound Service, you will have the opportunity to experience the heart-opening sound of HU, delve into the concept that divine love allays fears in your daily life, and partake in a facilitator-led small group discussion where personal stories and experiences of replacing fear with love can be shared.

“Truth reveals itself through the Light and Sound of God.  Whether it comes to an animal, to you, or to someone else, it fills your heart with love.  And when your heart is full of love, what room is there for fear?

“Love drives out fear.”

—Harold Klemp, The Slow Burning Love of God, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 13, p. 96

We welcome you to this ECK Light and Sound Service, “Replacing Fear with Love,” on Sunday, September 15, 2024, 11:00 am–12:15 pm. 

This is a hybrid event. Marie Noel, a member of the ECK clergy, will be officiating in person at the Eckankar Center of New York City/Long Island. This event will also be offered online via Zoom. After the introduction of the theme, small group discussions will be held at the NYC ECK Center and in facilitator-led Breakout Rooms on Zoom.

The in-person event will be held at the NYC ECK Center, 4 West. 43rd St, Suite 503, NYC, NY 10036.

This service offers you the chance to explore your own direct connection with the Divine as Soul.  At this service, you may:

•   Learn how the spiritual exercises of ECK can help you open your heart to the Light and Sound of God;
•   Share some of your experiences and receive new insights in small groups;
•   Experience the sacred sound of HU, a mantra that can expand your awareness and magnify love in your life.

More Information

Attendees who register using Meetup will receive an email from the Meetup Organizer on the day of the event with the Zoom link and Zoom phone access numbers.

You are welcome to invite your friends and family, but please do not forward the meeting link. Ask them to register themselves on Meetup.

As a reminder, when you click on the “Attend Online” button to RSVP, you may need to login (if you are already a member of this Meetup group) or sign in to create an account.

If you want to attend online but prefer to not join Meetup at this time, you may email a request for the Zoom link and phone access information by contacting Rita at:

A reminder: Since contracting and spreading COVID-19 may still be possible, please take the health steps that are best for you. It is appreciated that by attending you are taking responsibility for your own health.

For more Eckankar events in New York State, please visit our website at:

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Sunday, Sep 15, 2024


In Person,


The ECK Center of New York City
4 West 43rd St., Suite 503 New York, NY 10036.


New York City