Recognizing Everyday Miracles

Discover the subtle miracles in every moment of life!

During this facilitator-led spiritual discussion on miracles, you will have the opportunity to engage in a conversation that helps you to acknowledge the miracles that occur daily. Spiritual practices will be shared that can help you to deepen your connection to these divine experiences and heighten your recognition of the miracles that occur within dreams, through inner guidance, and by shifting to a spiritual perspective.

“Every moment is known to be of infinite value, not because of what precedes or follows it, but because it is the moment of communication with God.”

—Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, Book Two, p. 131

You are warmly welcome to join us for an online, interactive spiritual discussion sponsored by Eckankar in New York titled “Recognizing Everyday Miracles.”  It will be held on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, 7:30 pm–8:30 pm.

Monica Shelmandine, the facilitator for this in-person event, is a long-time student of Eckankar who loves to view life with love and joy.  Monica wonders: “Have you experienced a miracle in your daily life?  Was it in a dream, in nature, in conversation with a friend, or another way?  Realizing God’s hand in our daily experiences expands our awareness of the spiritual gifts that we receive.”

Our Spiritual Discussion will include:

• Realizing that a miracle is a change in our state of consciousness;
• Experiencing miracles from our dreams;
• Listening to our intuition;
• Accepting we are Soul, a spark of God;
• Living in the moment.

During this spiritual discussion, perhaps you will recognize more of your own spiritual experiences and everyday miracles.  Monica hopes that you will share your stories, ask questions, and gain deeper understandings.  All are welcome!

Thank you!

More Information:

For more Eckankar events in New York State taking place online, in-person, or as hybrid events, please visit our website at:

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Tuesday, May 07, 2024


7:30 pm - 8:30 pm




Hudson Valley