Living a Soul-Directed Life

How do you align your inner compass with the highest?

Experience the transformative power of the HU chant at our Sound of Soul event. Join us for a 12-minute session of chanting this sacred sound to connect with the divine within yourself. Discover the peace, clarity, and spiritual growth that comes from immersing yourself in the uplifting vibrations of the HU. A facilitator-led spiritual conversation will follow the HU song.

“Singing HU has been practiced for thousands of years in one form or another for inner attunement. In the same way a musician can use a tuning fork to find the right pitch, the person singing HU tunes in to a higher spiritual awareness.

“HU is a carrier of love between you and God.”

—Harold Klemp, The Sound of Soul, p. 55

You are warmly invited to attend an in-person Sound of Soul event, titled “Living a Soul-Directed Life,” to take place on Friday, July 26, 2024, 7:00 pm–8:15pm, at the NYC ECK Center, 4 West 43rd Street, Suite 503, NY, NY 10036.

Singing HU carries many benefits of healing and upliftment. This spiritual practice aligns Soul with higher states of love, wisdom, and awareness.

Feel free to invite your friends and family. Everyone is welcome!

More information:

As a reminder: Since contracting and spreading COVID-19 may still be possible, please take the health steps that are best for you and respectful of other participants. It is appreciated that by attending you are taking responsibility for your own health.

For more Eckankar events in New York State, please visit our web page at:

Register on Meetup:


Friday, Jul 26, 2024


7:00 pm - 8:15 pm


In Person


The ECK Center of New York City
4 West 43rd St., Suite 503 New York, NY 10036.


New York City