Sing HU to Hear the Voice of God
Open your heart to divine love by singing HU, an ancient sacred name for God.
Are you reaching out to the universe for love and answers? Do you need help dealing with stress or fear? Singing HU offers balance, wisdom, and wonder. This special in-person Sound of Soul event begins with the opportunity to join others of like heart in a 12-minute HU chant followed by a short contemplation. A facilitator will then lead an open discussion on the spiritual topics that arise after singing HU with a special focus on listening with love to the guidance within yourself.
“What are the Sound and Light of God? What do they signify?
“The Light and Sound are the Voice of God, the expression of God’s love for us. They comprise the whole of God’s love. Together, they are what religion calls the Holy Spirit.
“In speaking of the Light, we say, ‘Yes, there is such a thing as the Light of God. It’s a thousand times brighter than any sun, or it may be softer than the light of a golden moon.’
“The Light of God illumines your entire being, inside and out.
“Sounds of God on the inner planes may be like the musical instruments, birds, choirs, machines, the ocean, high-pitched whistles, a murmur or crescendo of wind or water. Maybe the tinkling of joyous laughter. All these are holy sounds.
“A word to help open your heart to God’s love is HU. It is an ancient sacred name for God.
“Sing it with love as you look and listen within.”
—Harold Klemp, The Sound of Soul, pp. 72-73
You are warmly invited to join an in-person Sound of Soul event, titled “Sing HU to Hear the Voice of God,” that will take place on Sunday, August 18, 2024, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Eckankar Center of Rochester, 312 West Commercial Street, East Rochester, New York 14445.
All are welcome!
More Information
Reminder: Since contracting and spreading COVID-19 may still be possible, please take the health steps that are best for you and respectful of other participants. It is appreciated that by attending you are taking responsibility for your own health.
For more information regarding local events in the Rochester, NY area, call 585-288-4721 or email us at:
The Eckankar Center of Rochester is located at 312 West Commercial Street, East Rochester, NY 14445.
For more Eckankar events in New York state, taking place online or in-person, please visit our NY Eckankar website at:
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