Finding Your Inner Guide
Discover how a spiritual guide can unlock God’s blessings!
Within each of us is a higher state of consciousness that can be accessed by opening the heart to Divine Love. Often, an inner voice, a nudge, or guidance comes from this higher source. Join us to discuss your experiences with this inner guidance, sometimes thought of as a Guardian Angel. Learn spiritual techniques that may help you recognize your spiritual guide and enhance your connection to Divine Spirit.
“The high spiritual Masters always work together. It’s only their followers who set up distinctions such as: My Master is greater than yours. On the inner planes the master of one path will turn the seeker over to the next master in a very natural way. Even on the path of ECK we have a number of ECK Masters who work quietly here on the physical plane as well as those teaching on the inner planes. When you have learned what you need to know at a certain place, then you are graduated, in a sense, from this grade or class to the next. It’s a very natural process.”
—Harold Klemp, How to Find God, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 2, p. 164
You are warmly invited to attend an in-person spiritual discussion on Monday, May 20, 2024, 6:15 pm–7:30 pm, titled “Finding Your Spiritual Guide” at 2 Library Lane, New Hartford, NY 13413 (New Hartford Public Library, Sammon Room, downstairs.)
We hope you bring your stories, your experiences, and your life-long spiritual insights.
All are welcome!
Discover how working with an Inner Master can give fresh insight to . . .
• Help solve everyday problems,
• Tap into divine love within,
• Bring a new attitude to life, and
• Meet challenges with joy!
Ted Allen, a long-time student of Eckankar, will facilitate the event.
More Information:
This event is presented by Eckankar in New York. (This event is not affiliated with or sponsored by the New Hartford Library.)
If you prefer not to join Meetup, you may RSVP to Susan Ensminger at localdirectorcentralny@gmail.com to reserve your place at the event.
For further information, please email Ted at aeallen928@icloud.com
For more Eckankar events in New York State taking place online, in person, or as a hybrid event, please visit our webpage at:
As a reminder:
Since contracting and spreading COVID-19 may still be possible, please take the health steps that are best for you and respectful of other participants. It is appreciated that by attending you are taking responsibility for your own health.
Register on Meetup:
Register via Email: localdirectorcentralny@gmail.com