Your Heroic Soul Adventure

How can you transcend reincarnation and karma and return to your Divine Source as Soul?

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. Join us as we engage in a deep discussion and explore spiritual techniques that may help you discover your Divine nature as Soul. Bring your stories and questions.


 “You always go forward. And you keep your face to the ECK.

“Because the ECK, the Holy Spirit, is the Voice of God. You keep your face to the Holy Spirit, to this Voice, this ancient, primordial Voice, because that’s the direction of Sugmad [God]. That’s where God is. So you go there.“

—Harold Klemp, The Road to Spiritual Freedom, p. 178

You are warmly invited to join in a dynamic, in-person spiritual discussion on the topic, “Your Heroic Soul Adventure,” on Saturday, March 9, 2024, 7:00 pm–8:30 pm.

This Eckankar sponsored event will be held at:
6320 Main Street, Williamsville, NY (Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst).

Our facilitator for this event, Linda Watts, is a long-time student of Eckankar. She shared the following about this event:

It seems that many people would like to believe they are advanced Souls living their final lifetime of reincarnation on Earth. But how can you know if that is true or just wishful thinking? Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom, offers spiritual techniques that help you advance spiritually toward Soul’s ultimate goal of Spiritual Freedom in this lifetime. You are Soul: a divine, eternal, individualized spark of God-awareness. Soul is on a heroic adventure to discover Its true Divine nature. It eventually returns to Its Divine source to become a conscious co-worker with God.

At this event you can:

• Share with others about your own heroic Soul adventure;
• Learn creative spiritual techniques you can use to help light your path inwardly and outwardly;
• Gain access to spiritual teachers and guides who can help you follow your own path home to God in this lifetime.

I hope you are able to attend and bring your stories. All are welcome.

Thank you,
Linda Watts, Facilitator

More Information

Since contracting and spreading COVID-19 may still be possible, please take the health steps that are best for you and respectful of other participants. It is appreciated that by attending you are taking responsibility for your own health.

If you prefer not to join Meetup, you may RSVP to Linda Watts at

For more Eckankar events in New York State taking place online, in person, or as a hybrid event, please visit our webpage at

 Register for Event on Meetup

Register for Event Via Email:


Saturday, Mar 09, 2024


1:00 pm - 2:30 pm


In Person


6320 Main Street, Williamsville, NY
Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst

