Experience the Sound of Soul

Rebalance and Connect with That Divine Part of You, Soul.

You’re invited to take a break during your day to rebalance and connect with that divine part of you, Soul. We’ll chant HU, a love song to God, for about 12 minutes, then take time for spiritual discussion and sharing. Feel free to participate for as long as your schedule permits.

HU is a sacred sound and ancient mantra. It is an ancient name for God that has been sung for thousands of years in many lands for spiritual unfoldment. HU can uplift people of any religion, culture, or walk of life.

Experience some of the many benefits of HU:
• Inner peace and calm
• Divine love
• Expanded awareness
• Spiritual self-discovery and growth
• Healing of the heart

This free event will include:
• A short reading or quote
• HU Chant (for 12 minutes)
• A few minutes contemplative time
• Spiritual Conversation

All are welcome!

Register for Event on Meetup

Register for Event Via Email: spiritualservices.gnyc@gmail.com


Tuesday, Mar 12, 2024


12:30 pm - 1:30 pm




New York City