Experience a Spiritual Alignment with the Sound of HU.
Discover the power of chanting HU, a divine sound that can transform consciousness.
This event will provide an opportunity to experience the Sound of HU, a sound that can enhance your spiritual practices. Join the conversation that follows this 12-minute chant to share your experiences or ask your questions.
“A divine sound courses through all of life—through every blade of grass, every galaxy, every atom of our bodies. HU is an ancient, sacred name for God—a carrier of love between God and Soul. When sung or chanted with an open heart, it opens the line of communication to the most sacred part of yourself.”
“HU acts as a tuning fork, aligning Soul with higher states of awareness. It is the clear voice of God, with the power to transform the lead of human consciousness into the gold of an enlightened Soul.”
“Find your own proof of the love and power of HU.”
— Harold Klemp, Soul Adventure Magazine Vol.1, No.2, p. 8
You are invited to an online Sound of Soul event that offers a HU chant, contemplative time, and spiritual conversation with others of like heart. This event will take place on Monday, March 4, 2024, from 7:30 pm–8:30 pm.
HU is a sacred name for God, which when sung individually or as a group, can uplift. It is an ancient name for God that has been sung for thousands of years in many lands for spiritual unfoldment. HU can uplift people of any religion, culture, or walk of life.
Experience some of the many benefits of HU:
•Inner peace and calm
•Divine love
•Expanded awareness
•Spiritual self-discovery and growth
•Healing of the heart
This free event will include:
•A short reading or quote
•HU chant (for 12 minutes)
•A few minutes of contemplative time
•Shared Spiritual conversation.
All are welcome!
More Information
We encourage you to invite your friends and family. But please ask them to register themselves via Meetup or send a request to livahana1@gmail.com.
For more Eckankar events in New York state, please visit our Webpage at https://www.eckankar-ny.org