Come to Know the Reason for Living

Discover the healing current of HU to fill your world with God’s love and transform your life.

At this Sound of Soul Event, you are invited to join others in chanting this ancient mantra for about twelve minutes, followed by a short time in contemplation. This will be followed by a spiritual discussion in which you are invited to share your spiritual experiences, ask questions, and perhaps focus on the power of HU to change your life.

“Soul comes into the world to accomplish an assortment of tasks; these assignments, taken as a whole, make up Its destiny.

“To set the tone for Its mission, Soul may come into either a healthy body or a sickly one; into comfortable means or poverty; with great intellect or a simple mind; with the favored color of skin for that era or not; once a male, again a female.

“Destiny can be thought of as the equipment, talents, or gifts which a person brings to this life. It remains for each to use them wisely.

“Yet once an individual begins to live in accord with the divine will, he will see his outer life run in new directions.  A whole new chapter is begun as a page is turned in the Book of Life. Whatever is expected when one begins an earnest practice of the spiritual exercises, it is certain that the love of the Sound Current is smoldering in the center of the spirit.

“Live the song of HU, and surrender your heart to its ways.  Your life will never be the same.”

—Harold Klemp, The Sound of Soul, pp. 20–21

You are warmly invited to join us for this online Sound of Soul event on Monday July 15th, 2024, 7:00 pm–8:00 pm. All are welcome!

HU is a sacred mantra—the Sound behind all sounds. An ancient name for God, HU is a carrier of love between God and Soul.

Singing HU can bring healing for body, mind, and spirit. It enables you to open your heart to experience the miracles that occur when you give and receive love.

More Information:

This event will be hosted on Zoom.  The Zoom link will be sent to those who register.  You can also join by phone; the phone number and link will also be sent in an email on the day of the event.

We welcome you to invite your friends and family, but please do not forward the meeting link.  Ask them to register themselves on Meetup.

When you click on the “Attend Online” button to RSVP, you may need to login (if you are already a member of this Meetup group) or sign in to create an account.

For more information regarding Eckankar events in New York State, please visit our web page at:

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Monday, Jul 15, 2024


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm



