Sing HU to Open Your Heart
Discover the Sound of HU to fill yourself with love and connect with Divine Spirit.
Come for an inspiring experience of personal chanting and contemplation with the uplifting Sound of HU, an ancient mantra that opens the heart to the love of God. Then join in an exploration of the spiritual topics that arise from this inner focus.
You are warmly invited to join us for this online Sound of Soul event, Sing HU to Open Your Heart, on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 12:30 pm–1:30 pm. All are welcome!
“Here’s a spiritual exercise to try if you want to experience the Light or Sound of God:
“Shut your eyes and look into the Spiritual Eye. (It’s between your eyebrows, in the center of your forehead.) Sing HU, an ancient name for God, one of the most powerful words for spiritual upliftment.
“As you sing HU, listen for a holy Sound. It may come in any number of ways: like the sound of a rumbling train, a singing bird, buzzing bees, a mellow flute, or even soothing guitars.
“It brings joy and wonder.
“The holy sounds are the creative action of the Life Force, the ECK, as It moves atoms in the invisible worlds. The Sound to reach your ears resonates with your state of consciousness.
“While singing HU, imagine the holy Sound of God cascading over you, like a waterfall of sparkling pure waters. It is cleansing the blemishes of spirit.
“The Sound opens a secret path to the joys of love and grace. You find peace, joy, and spiritual freedom.”
—Harold Klemp, The Sound of Soul, pp. 70-71
At this Sound of Soul event, after singing HU for about 12 minutes, enjoy a facilitator-led open discussion on any spiritual questions, insights, and experiences that you and others may have.
Singing HU can bring healing for body, mind, and spirit, and align Soul with higher states of love, wisdom, and awareness.
More Information:
This event will be hosted on Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent to those who register. You can also join by phone; the phone number and link will also be sent in an email on the day of the event.
We welcome you to invite your friends and family, but please do not forward the meeting link. Ask them to register themselves on Meetup.
When you click on the “Attend Online” button to RSVP, you may need to login (if you are already a member of this Meetup group) or sign in to create an account.
For more information regarding Eckankar events in New York State, please visit our web page at: https://eckankar-ny.org
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