Becoming a Higher Expression of Divine Love with the Sound of HU

Experience Filling Your Heart with the Light and Sound of God

Recognize the Light and Sound within all life, by singing HU, an ancient name for God. Then join in a spiritual conversation exploring the many gifts and expressions of Divine love.

“If people would trust their heart and know that if they love God and open their heart—if they love God through loving their neighbor—they would find that God brings help and protection to them in ways that most people don’t know.

“The way to do that is to sing HU to yourself. You just sing this very quietly to yourself or inwardly. You may see the Light of God; it can be a blue light, a white light, a yellow light, or a green light. You can see it many different ways. Or you may hear the sound of tinkling bells, a flute, a full orchestra, or something as simple as a sigh.

“But you will be filled with love.”

—Harold Klemp Sound of Soul, p.13

Please join us Tuesday, March 19, at 12:30 pm–1:30 pm for an online contemplation and conversation, a Sound of Soul event, focusing on Becoming a Higher Expression of Divine Love.

Singing HU brings awareness of the divine qualities within each Soul. The awareness and attunement with the HU allow Soul to become a greater expression of Divine Love.

At a Sound of Soul event, join others in chanting this ancient mantra, for about 12 minutes, continuing to allow these beautiful vibrations to be experienced in a few minutes of silent contemplation. Afterwards, enjoy an open discussion on any spiritual questions, insights, and experiences that you and others may have.

Barbara Devine, the facilitator for this Sound of Soul event, is looking forward to sharing this time singing the sacred Sound of HU and exploring the divine nature of Soul.

More information:

We encourage you to invite your friends and family. But please ask them to register themselves via Meetup or send a request to




Tuesday, Mar 19, 2024


12:30 pm - 1:30 pm




New York City