Embark on an Amazing Spiritual Journey by Answering the Call of Soul

Discover your divine sense of purpose and connect with your inner calling by listening to the whispers of Soul

Have you heard a call, felt the longing to look for something you could not describe but knew you’d know It when you’ve found it?  This spiritual discussion will examine the inner guidance that leads us to uncovering our true spiritual nature and the path to spiritual freedom.  Share your story or listen as others talk about their experiences navigating the school of life to find the next step in their eternal quest to “Answer the Call of Soul.”

“The search for God requires a deep yearning. Soul hears the Voice of God and wants to return to Its home in heaven. In the meantime, it’s up to Soul, in one way or another, to find a path that gives the help It needs to take this step. When you graduate from one level of education in the spiritual works, God provides a step, then another and another.

“No matter what path you are on or what faith you follow, be the best there is in it, be the cream of the crop. Because until you are that, you haven’t learned the lessons that you need to learn; and until they are learned, you will not be able to graduate to the next step and learn the greater truth.”

—Harold Klemp, “The Secret Teachings,” Mahanta Transcripts, Book 3, pp.103–104

Have you had experiences such as a meaningful dream, or an inner nudge that helped steer you through life, all the while feeling a pull to know more—to know God?  Would you like to learn more about these experiences?

You are warmly invited to an online spiritual discussion regarding this deeply personal and wholly universal topic titled “Embark on an Amazing Spiritual Journey by Answering the Call of Soul,” that will be held on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 7:30 pm–8:30 pm.

Facilitator Mary Ann Baxter welcomes you to an invigorating discussion about hearing and answering the call of Soul.

Topics to be explored in the discussion include:

•   Explore ways Soul’s call may be heard or experienced.
•   Learn exercises for guidance in taking the next step.
•   Delve into the spiritual benefits of accepting change.
•   Examine “the greater truth” and its relation to Soul’s call.

All are welcome!

More Information:

When you click on the “Attend Online” button to RSVP, you may need to login, (If you are already a member of this Meetup group) or sign in to create an account.

We encourage you to invite your friends and family, but please ask them to register themselves via Meetup.

Are you interested in learning more about this topic?  The book, The Call of Soul, by Harold Klemp, can be purchased at your favorite online bookstore or through the Eckankar Online Bookstore at this link: https://www.eckbooks.org/items/The_Call_of_Soul-1065-0.html

For more Eckankar events in New York State taking place online, in-person, or as a hybrid event, please visit our webpage at: https://eckankar-ny.org

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Tuesday, Aug 13, 2024


7:30 pm - 8:30 pm




Hudson Valley