Cable TV Series Created by the NYC ECK TV Circle
Video Archive

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The password to view any or all of the following episodes is: divine love
(lower case, with the space between the two words)

A series of TV broadcasts in talk-show format, covering various aspects of the ECK teachings.

God's Love - Giving and Receiving

Pathways to Spiritual Freedom

Turning Points

Ancient Wisdom for Today

How to Handle Change in Your Life

Working with Our Spiritual Guides

Are You Seeing a Sign from God?

Turning Challenges into Opportunity

Forgiveness - Love in Motion

Inner Guidance through Dreams

Beyond Meditation

Listening to the Voice of Divine Spirit

Understanding Your Dreams

Grace - Love in Motion

Getting More from Your Spirituality

Inner Guidance - Your Divine Right

Giving - the Secret to Receiving

What Am I Doing Here?

Manifesting Your Best Life as Soul

Spiritual Perspectives on Death & Grieving

Spiritual Perspectives on Loss and Change

Creativity and Your Spiritual Life